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Pay to Play: Why You Have to Buy Ads On Social Media to Get Reach

Written by Targetable | Oct 7, 2019 10:06:13 PM

These days, it’s weird not to see someone glued to their smartphone. We depend on technology and the Internet so much that they’ve become an integral part of our daily lives. Businesses of all kinds are learning to take advantage of this ever-expanding digital connectivity.

Social media marketing, in particular, has expanded rapidly on a worldwide scale. If you run a restaurant, you understand how valuable a robust social media marketing strategy can be for your business.

In recent times, though, it’s become necessary for restaurants to pay-to-play on these networks. The social media landscape has become immensely more involved, and now one of the best ways to maximize the benefits of social media is to start paying for advertisements.

It’s now common practice for businesses and restaurants alike to invest in social media marketing. After all, it’s the best way to reach your customers. In the year 2018, there were already over 2.6 billion people on social media throughout the world.

Expanding your brand to such a vast audience is more than worthwhile. Keep reading for more details on why paying for social media ads can help your restaurant.

Paying for Social Media Ads Requires a Detailed Branding Strategy

You might think developing a social media ad campaign is simple, but it’s a lot more complicated than deciding what to post. It requires thorough research and analyzation of your target audience. This way, you don’t waste your ad dollars sending messages to the wrong people. Collecting data and becoming smarter about your campaigns will help you target the right people, at the right time, with messaging and images designed to get them in the door.

To start, your restaurant must have an intentional branding strategy. A business’s brand, in essence, is the personality it presents to the world. It’s what you are known for and how your customers recognize you.

Your restaurant’s brand involves things like your logo design, color scheme, menu, and anything else that distinguishes your restaurant from the others. Using your branding in a consistent way across all of your marketing materials will help create a stronger relationship with your customers.

Determining your restaurant’s ideal brand depends upon your target audience. For example, are your ideal customers’ career-oriented young professionals, or are they brand new grandparents? A millennial and a baby boomer are going to have very different preferences. Knowing more about who your target audience is will help set the tone for effective campaigns.

Having a reliable brand and a strong social media strategy goes a long way in establishing a loyal following of customers in your area. It’s your relationship with them that becomes an invaluable asset for your restaurant.

Your Social Media Engagement Should Focus on Engagement, Not Ads

One of the biggest reasons for your restaurant to invest in paid advertising on social media is to avoid the mistake of mixing your regular content posts with ads. Instead, your business page should focus on cultivating relationships with your loyal followers.

Your restaurant should use its social media profiles as a way to meet the concerns and questions of customers online. That way, you can prove to them that you have their genuine interests at the top of your list of priorities.

Consider the following statistic. It indicates that answering a social media complaint increases customer advocacy by 25%. At the end of the day, that advocacy is essential for the success of your restaurant.

Proper Social Media Ads Will Enhance Your Business’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

You’re aware of the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. These search engines use algorithms behind the scenes to “rank” websites, and they do so according to factors such as popularity and usefulness.

Your restaurant’s goal is to be at the top of the list of results when online users search for restaurants in your area. That’s one of the most profitable aspects of social media ads. The more you invest in them, the more search engines will recognize your website as a valuable destination.

In fact, you’ll boost your SEO rank every time that someone clicks on your ad and visits your website from social media.

Use Social Media Ads To Stay Ahead of Your Competitors

Social media ads do more than generate brand awareness for your restaurant. You can trust that showing up in your followers’ social feeds will make a significant impression.

There are several different social media platforms, and each one has its own personality and function. It’s not uncommon for someone to have several different accounts and to check them regularly throughout the day. Ads are shown to people as they scroll through their news feeds to get updates. That’s why you need to ensure your restaurant is featured on as many local social feeds as possible.

If you’re investing in social media ads, and your local competitors aren’t, you’re in luck. Potential customers are more likely to choose you the next time they want a nice meal out on the town. For more detailed specifics, check out this article on the benefits of advertising online for your restaurant.

Analytic Data Is Available To Optimize Your Advertisement Strategies

The last crucial factor concerning social media ads is the resulting analytic data. Over time, your social media advertising strategies will generate a ton of information. It’s then using this knowledge to leverage your techniques when it comes to publishing the most effective social media ads.

For example, there might be certain times of the day or certain types of content that generate more user engagement. Knowing those details will help you be more strategic about posting your social media ads in the future.

If You’re Ready To Pay to Play, Start Investing in Social Media Ads Today

At this point in the article, you should have a pretty good understanding of why paid social media ads are necessary. You may not like the idea of having to pay-to-play, but know why its a worthwhile investment that will help your restaurant stay ahead of the competition in your local area.

It’s no secret that digital marketing strategies are essential in today’s digital era. Don’t make the mistake of underestimating the value of curated ads on social networks. Your social media followers will recognize and value your efforts in expanding your restaurant’s online brand.

Your restaurant’s social media following and online reputation is a big part of how you get customers in the door. We understand the importance of ensuring that your restaurant’s social campaigns resonate with your target audience.

Still, there are a lot of complexities to navigate when it comes to optimizing your social media advertising. Targetable exists to prioritize digital marketing on your behalf and give you peace of mind knowing that your restaurant is making the most of its investments.

Sign up for your 15-day free trial of Targetable and discover what smarter advertising can do for your restaurant.