What is the Rich Profile's "Brand Voice" in Targetable?

It is what Targetable understands as your Business' Marketing Brand Voice and will have an affect on the quality of Suggested Marketing you receive.

The Brand Voice in your Business' Rich Profile will help Targetable suggest marketing closer to your expectations for your business' branding.

How can I learn more about Brand Voices in Targetable?

First, access your Rich Profile and then click on the "Brand Voice" field.

ProdGuide - User - Brand Voice 01 (1)

You should now see a window on the right side of the screen.

ProdGuide - User - Brand Voice 02 (1)

  1. Here you can see the Brand Voice, the summary, do's, and don'ts
  2. Each Brand Voice has its unique summary, do's, and don'ts
  3. You can browse through the available Brand Voices using the dropdown selection and selecting any of the Brand Voices
  4. If you decide you want to update your Business' Brand Voice, then you can click on 'Save'. Otherwise, you can exit out of the window by clicking on the 'X' at the top right of the window.

What do I do if one of the Brand Voices does not apply to me?

You can reach out to support (support@targetable.com) or fill out the form below.