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How do I connect my Facebook Business Page?

Instructions for connecting your Facebook Business Page to Targetable.

Connecting your Facebook Business Page occurs during the process of creating your Targetable account. After clicking the Login with Facebook button, Targetable will automatically detect any Facebook Business Pages that are associated with your personal Facebook account. Choose the Business Page you’d like to connect from the dropdown menu, and then click the Submit button, as shown below:


On the next screen, click the Get Smarter button to finish the Onboarding process:

Please note that you need to be an Admin for the Facebook Business Page you’re trying to connect. If you’re not an Admin, you‘ll need to get an existing Admin to adjust your permission level. Have them go to your Facebook Business Page, tap Settings, then go to Page Roles to assign yourself as an Admin. You will then be prompted to accept this update. 

If the page is managed by a Facebook Business Manager account:


Go to business.facebook.com to select the Business Manager account that owns the page. To do this, go to Settings, then go to Page Roles. Enter the new user’s email address, assign their new role, and then tap Add. Here, you should also grant the user Admin rights to both the Page and the Ad Account for the Page.

If you are still experiencing issues connecting your Facebook business page to Targetable after following these steps, please send an email to support@targetable.com